It is sadly ironic that this COVID-19 story came out today. My daughter forwarded me The Atlantic article “The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South” which was rather prescient. This is not unlike others we have found.
After reading the article. I sent her the following message.
Great article. You once talked to me about natural selection. I thought you were being too cynical. But as I watch the willful ignorance of many still supporting a president whose policies kill, natural selection may necessarily thin the population of the gullible which in fact makes the whole weaker. The only issue is how many of the strong are inadvertently taking down by the errant sneeze, Anyway, we stay at home, wear masks on the outside irrespective of a lacking president’s words, we create those tight circles of the trusted who follow protocol, and we do not go to work in unsafe environments. This means we must assist those who in these difficult times need assistance. Great find mi hija.
Texas Woman Who Claimed COVID-19 Was ‘Media Driven’ Hoax Dies From Virus | Michael Stone
“MAGA”: Karen Kolb Sehlke, a Trump-loving woman from Texas is dead from COVID-19 after claiming the virus was a “media driven” hoax.
In a sad, cautionary tale of willful ignorance and hubris, Karen Kolb Sehlke is dead from COVID-19 after claiming the virus was a “media driven” hoax “controlled by the radical people in powerful places.”
In a long-winded Facebook rant Sehlke claimed that “our government is under attack from within” while comparing the coronavirus to “the impeachment hoax” and arguing that those who take the current pandemic seriously “panic like sheep.”
Sehlke wrote in part:
Wake up!!! This is what the beginning of socialism looks like!
They are leading with fear causing you to panic like sheep.
… You don’t need hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and Lysol. You need common sense, a sense of direction, faith, a will to fight, and of course guns!
Now wash your hands and live the life they don’t want you to have!
Source: Texas Woman Who Claimed COVID-19 Was ‘Media Driven’ Hoax Dies From Virus | Michael Stone
Sadly, this is not the only time someone has lost their life or had their lives disrupted by listening to the president and his sycophants. Who could forget the man who died ingesting the antimalarial drug or the couple who continued with their cruise?
The article above gave me pause. Because that is in fact the instantiation of the statement to my daughter. It does not have to be so. There are so many policies that while they do not kill us as quickly as COVID-19, kills us slowly, rob us of our wealth slowly, and rob us of our real freedoms slowly. Let’s change that.
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I hope Karen Kolb Sehlke is resting in peace and her family and friends are seeking tests for the virus. It is unfortunate that what she considered to be a hoax took her at a young age and unable to pursue her interests and dreams. “Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Heed the advice of the doctors and nurses in the trenches and the experts who have broad experience dealing with pandemics.And if you share any attitudes of this woman regarding this horrific disease STOP before you may be the next casualty.
Barack Obama did nothing during H1N1 12,000 plus dead in 12 months. 300,000 hospitalized and 60 million infected. You are ignorant of facts. Donald Trump was banning travel from China and being mocked by the liberals in government and media. You are a propagandist just like most so called journalists.
Please do your research from verifiable sources. Misinformation from the Right caused this good woman’s death. You can get real information if you choose to get it. When I speak about the willfully ignorant I am talking to those who put tantamount to their fingers in their ears not to hear the truth, to maintain their ignorance. If I am ignorant on anything I do my best to learn, to get factual information I can corroborate. Here is the truth on how Obama dealt with H!N1 including commendations from Republicans ( these days lie and misinformation cal kill. This woman was killed by the Right and her own likely willful ignorance.
Cause factcheck is a reputable source. LMAO.
Kinda sad for her family but wonder how many she infected by ‘being a sheep’ ! It’s OK to be Republican but it’s NOT OK to be reckless in your stupidity!
I saw this as well last week.
These people are scum and deserve what they get. I don’t feel bad for a terrorist or a child molester when they die. People like this are just as sick.
Sure she did. I call BS on this. Considering the gravity of the hoax, the drive for the media to force their agenda, and the number of people who can see what is being perpetrated on the world’s populace, I guarantee they are searching far and wide for naysayers that die from anything that could be falsely labeled as COVID-19. Then they issue their ‘stern warning’ and fear mongering articles to further persuade the blind sheep that it is really happening. Stop being sheep, you are all idiots.