Fox News is a danger to society. Worse, Right-Wing pundits use their platform to promote information. In the age, if COVID-19, this is dangerous.
Fox News, the platform that will get you killed
Laura Ingraham falsely claims that the death rate is ten times less than what it was likely to be. She believes California should get all of its people back to work.
Former Secretary of Education who should know better claims that COVID-19 will likely kill fewer people than the Flu. He is wrong.
About 5% to 20% of Americans get the flu each year. More than 200,000 people are hospitalized, according to the CDC. And since the 1970s, between 3,000 and 49,000 people have died from the flu each year. This is largely due to other infections and complications that can occur when you have the flu, particularly pneumonia.
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) want to fully open the economy. He acknowledges that the infection would spread.
“The coronavirus is going to spread faster,” Kennedy said. “And we gotta be ready for it.”
Granted this Senator is from a party who does not believe in Medicare for All nor do they want to fund hospitals now as this pandemic grows.
My strongest ire goes to Dr. Phil. He claims automobile crashes, pool drownings, and cigarette smoking kills a lot of people as well. He said we do not shut down the countries for those deaths. Dr. Phil should know better. Those activities generally are choices. One gets infected from entering a zone they do not necessarily know is infected. It is misleading to create any kind of similarity.
All of this follows the likes of Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick and Radio Show Host Glenn Beck implying older people are willing to die to keep a revved-up economy. As well, Dr. Oz in a rather unfeeling callous statement disregarded the number of deaths that would occur if we simply sent people back to work quickly.
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Wrong equivalence. The lot of those bungholes are saying that 37,054 lives, in addition to our usual annual deaths don’t matter, that 37,054 lives at this point really aren’t worth anything at all.
Perhaps, they should speak to the family members of the deceased alone and tell them that.
So, when is it wrong to disregard human lives? At 100,000? At 1,000,000? At 330,000,000?
What we’re in for, should these dull tools have their way is a repeat of the aftermath of the victory celebration at the end of WWI. More deaths than an entire World War! Out of 103,000,000, 675,000 died. Look in any century+ old cemetery, look for the “Potter’s Field” from that pandemic, in major cities, there are multiple mass graves that are the size of a football field or larger, all from 1918.
I wonder what that kind of percentage loss would do to the US economy today, rather than waiting for the pandemic waves to end? It’ll be larger, as it was in 1918.
By the by, do expect to see a lot of hospitals go bankrupt. Few, if any are going to be able to pay a million dollar ventilator and ICU bill, let alone a non-ICU coronavirus hospitalization in the hundreds of thousands.
Hospitals are already screaming about the expenses, soon, they’ll go belly up and Trump has given signs that he’s happy to let the hospital systems fail entirely.
At this time every American should be required to watch the half hour documentary, currently on youtube, describing the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic so that at least a modicum of awareness and education may penetrate the imbecilic nature of our current American culture.