New York Governor Cuomo did not let Senator Mitch McConnell get away with inferring the Federal Government was bailing out New York. He made it clear New York put billions more into the Federal Government than it takes out and that Kentucky is a welfare state that takes out a lot more than it puts in, the third-largest taker.
Governor Cuomo lays into Mitch McConnell
The Washington Post lays it out well.
Mitch McConnell, the most powerful man in the U.S. Senate, is kindly suggesting New York and other places throttled by the coronavirus and associated economic shutdowns swallow the fiscal cyanide of bankruptcy rather than get federal aid, what his staff calls a “Blue State Bailout.”
No, the feds shouldn’t prop up rickety pension systems and otherwise unsustainable state spending habits. But the New York’s nightmare — which, ahem, annually sends $30 billion-plus more to Washington than it gets back — has almost nothing to do with that, almost everything to do with the spread of COVID-19. …
We speak of Kentucky, where in a recent fiscal year, 39.5% of the state’s overall budget came from Washington, making it the fourth most DC-dependent state in the nation. By another measure, Kentucky is the nation’s second most federally dependent state.
Kentucky, which, despite having 3.8 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 residents, collected $1.7 billion from D.C. in the massive new virus-focused stimulus, which works out to $377 per resident. New York, with a per capita death rate 20 times that, got roughly the same amount per resident.
Kentucky, where the unemployed are getting help, thanks to an additional $600 in weekly help the feds are delivering, that adds up to much more than their average wages, as opposed to New York, where it’s far less.
Kentucky, which has pocketed loads of federal transportation aid, a fact that of course has nothing to do with the fact that McConnell’s wife runs the federal Department of Transportation. …
He may want states to restructure their finances rather than take any more federal cash, but he’s the one who’s morally bankrupt.
A few years ago we wrote this in a blog post titled “Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know“
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It’s looking like the top economy states are edging toward what I suggested would be a final move, cessation from the Union. If there is no benefit and indeed, a chronic loss with no reciprocation, there is zero benefit and only loss for remaining.
So, let’s look at the loss of California and New York contributiona to our national economy. We’re looking at around 80 – 85% of the GNP being lost from both states.
Sounds like Kentucky and a bunch of other welfare states will end up suckling off of an empty economic teat.
But, it seems that is what the God-King, Emperor Trump desires, a dissolution of the Union, although I sincerely doubt he’ll be welcome in any state of this union by the time he leaves his throne and will most certainly be unable to enjoy his gilded home throne at Trump Tower.
But, it also suggests the future course for our nation, the Swivel War, where our Agitator in Thief continually swivels away from previously destructive actions into novel destructive actions.
Thereby reaping what the Senate sowed in refusing to impeach the scofflaw.
I suspect we’ll soon see “militias” acting up more, until at least one group confronts the real militia, the National Guard. Then, more discord as “brutish” actions are declaimed, while apparently surrendering the moral high ground to armed thugs.
In other, slightly more important news, unusual coagulation issues have been repeatedly and long observed in COVID-19 victims. Chinese research confirms our findings of DIC being present in the more severe cases, leading to uncontrolled clotting throughout the body and destroying critical organs by small clots closing off the small blood vessels, resulting in tissue death.
The recommendation is being echoed in the US medical community to begin anticoagulant therapy early, at the first suggestion of coagulopathy.
This is a major advance, but it also creates a substantially increased workload for physicians and lab workers, to ensure proper tracking of every component of the coagulation cascade.
Whoever uttered the ancient curse, “May you live in interesting times” has my intense ire!