Kentucky’s lone Democratic Congressman, Morgan McGarvey, started his speech apolitically. As he progressed, he could not help lashing out at Republicans for their inhumane adherence to the weapons of war status quo.
Gov. Cuomo to Sen. McConnell bailout statement: Just give me my money back Senator
New York Governor Cuomo did not let Senator Mitch McConnell get away with inferring the Federal Government was bailing out New York.
Going blue in the Bluegrass State? History echoes in Kentucky’s gubernatorial results
Republican Gov. Bevin’s narrow defeat this month in Kentucky – which Donald Trump carried by 30 points in 2016 – could mean something else.
This Republican realizes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is very smart & now petrified.
Republicans thought they could use freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a poster for Progressive wrong. Please do.
Gay marriage license denying Kentucky clerk’s own ‘skeletons’ justifiably exposed (VIDEO)
Dan Savage destroys the marriage license denying antics of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis with her own marriage and other faux family values hypocrisy.
Watch Chuck Todd blame candidate for his journalistic screw up
Chuck Todd has allowed his mouth to run ahead of his brain for some time. One would think with his increased responsibility he would have matured.
Chuck Todd steps in it again with poor political analysis of Alison Lundergan Grimes’ response on Obama vote
Chuck Todd’s reaction to Alison Lundergan Grimes answer to whether she voted for President Obama or not shows his political ineptitude.
Kentucky Church Gives Away Guns And Steaks But Not Bibles
Many Americans cannot seem to understand why Red America behave as they do. Why are they so infatuated with guns at all cost? Why do they have such a devotion to inconsistent moral values? This event at Lone Oak First Baptist Church in Paducah, Kentucky speaks volumes. It turns out the church used guns and […]
Ed Schultz: Washington Obstruction vs Obamacare Kentucky Success (VIDEO)
MSNBC’s Ed Schultz did what all journalists should be doing. He is reporting on Obamacare comprehensively. Specifically he is putting the rollout of exchanges in the proper context. This is what they should all be doing. Ed Schultz did not stay cooped up in Washington DC, or New York. He went directly to the source. […]
Kentuckians Hate Obamacare But Love It By Another Name
This is the biggest fear of every Republican that should not have been if they had simply been party to the solution. Instead they lied, misinformed, and ultimately made what would be a great law, a law that will need improvement. Kentucky is geared up with their health exchanges. They are now informing residents of […]