Does anyone sometimes feel that they are in a dream? I thought George W. Bush was a terrible president. But I felt he was president even if placed into office by several constitutional flaws.
Trump’s ascendency is, however, the perfect storm, a constitutional flaw compounded by ideology-driven reasoning flaws by otherwise good people. One asks how can so many otherwise intelligent professionals serving the president become sycophants. It is the latter that scares them. Those of their ideological ilk seem so unmoving to the reality that they are frozen in some sort of an illogical stupor.
Unfortunately, we are not going to wake up out of this. A senator from a continually bailed out state unwilling to give back to the states that bailed his state out, a president and his sycophants giving life-threatening advice, an administration competing with states for life-saving medical supplies to cause high prizes that profit their benefactors, effecting environmentally destructive regulations while everyone is focused on COVID-19, and so more are our new realities.
Red State governors in hopes of stalling the depression are attempting to starve their citizens back to work. As the president and his cabal of governors attempt to coerce Americans to go back, they should heed the economic and health meltdown occurring in Guayaquil, Ecuador where dead COVID-19 infected bodies are left on the streets rotting. While forcing people back to work before the pandemic is under control may forestall the depression it will make it worse.

This will not just pass. Again, we are headed for a depression. I fear that neither the media nor our politicians will properly inform the population of what is to come not just nationally but throughout the world. We are insulated from the massive suffering caused by this virus throughout the world. Then again, we have only been concerned about humanity in the West.
The conditions will be that many of us will be able to tread water for the duration. But there is a large plurality of Americans that will suffer. Unfortunately, it won’t be televised by the mainstream media because just like they don’t want to upset you with the possibility that what is occurring internationally could occur here; just like they isolate the despair in Appalachia and highlight the ghettos and the barrios to give the majority group a semblance that “this won’t happen to us,” they will throughout America’s new large pockets of despair.
This depression will not be televised but many of us will make sure that as many as we can, see it, and feel obliged to do what is necessary to fix it,
a new economy for all. Support independent sources of information.
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If you want to see a direct reflection of what is to come, just look to history, from Nov 1918 – 1920.
A bit celebration in Philadelphia, 200000 strong spread influenza like it was a new fad. A fatal fad, decimating the city’s population.
Of course, the death toll didn’t impact the economy, after all, dead workers and business owners are highly productive, right?
Of course, to listen to our business leaders, obviously the continent was sterilized when the economy collapsed and we’re not living here, as the continent is empty of human habitation, save for arrivals since 1920 or something. That being “true”, I’m obviously a ghost of someone who was never born.
Or something.
Yeah, their illogic makes no damned sense at all. We managed to survive our own worst efforts, only to try to repeat those stupid mistakes that killed a significant part of our own population.
Last time, the excuse was not impacting the efforts for a World War. Today, the only excuse is that we’re a world gone mad.