When these two voters expressed a certain frustration and resolve for voting to end the nightmare, the writing was on the wall, a landslide win.
Fearlessly building the landslide
I could show you graphs and polls that show everyone how Donald Trump is losing suburban white women, independents, Latinos, and even falling with white men. But I won’t.
Right now we need to campaign from the heart and from people’s personal realities. First and foremost the non-voters in our base IMHO need to be assured that in fact, they matter and that their votes, their effort to vote will matter. People don’t vote because they do not see the correlation between their reality and their vote. We should make that obvious in a manner that is not accusatory or condescending but encouraging and empathetic.
Many say we are not in the game of changing minds and that our efforts are better served to get our base to vote. While that may be partially true if an opportunity opens itself up which you deem could lead to a positive outcome, take it. It could be an opportunity at the grocery store, at the coffee shop, at church, or anywhere. In other words, engage wherever you are, positively. I have had great outcomes in my red bubble.
We have never been in this position before. It requires adjusting to meet the challenge. The Depression will not be televised. We need to let all know that the current administration is leading the way. Connect the dots. That is what many of us do with our activism out here.
My new book “It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors” is live. I am excited because I think especially in these times it provides some important guidance in a country where we seem to be rudderless, at each other throats, and lacking a sense of worth. In these distressing times, it is worth engaging.
Please join our YouTube channel so we can get the numbers up to open up some more features and reach more folks. Gracias!
Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and join the conversation for more insightful commentary and to support progressive messages. Together, we can populate the internet with progressive messages that represent the true aspirations of most Americans.
Huh, “suburban white women”, don’t you mean Trump’s “suburban housewives”?
Yeah, that blew up in his face, utterly predictably. The man is an atavus, utterly trapped in the modern era and incapable of adapting. He wants housewives, property of the master of the house and all of the Victorian bullshit that accompanies that insanity of a moral value system.
Where is Mr Peabody when you need to use his machine? 😉
What he seems to value actually predates him by far, fulfilling my first description of him as an atavus. From an era when the GOP actually wanted to bring fascism to the US, then a war got in their way and they had to wait generations to try to reintroduce it and its failures and horrors to the world.
It all reminds me of how to doctor a canned soup and make it great. Remember that canned chicken soup, where the meat tasted precisely like something that was most decidedly not chicken and indeed, was essentially flavorless? Fish it out, toss it and shred left over chicken chunks from leftovers into the soup. Warm it up and it tastes like real chicken soup, as the chicken in the soup had its flavors adsorbed by the soup.
Neofaciscm is the ancient chicken stewing for 75 years, time to put flavorful meat into the soup and leave the fascism in the compost pile. We don’t need authoritarianism, we need consensus. We don’t need hypernationalism, we need global unity against a pandemic. We don’t need scapegoating, besides, why scapegoat and waste perfectly tasty goat meat?
BTW, Boris Johnson wants to open up all of the schools in the UK again, ignoring our failed mad scientist experiment in progress and well, reality, as he insists that children don’t pick up colds and bring them home.
The man fathered 6 kids, obviously was never around them or he’d know better. Schools are germ exchange student programs, which are always brought home to share the misery within many households. Just him playing Trump Jr.
Odd, as we now are up to 90 children dead in the US, 3000+ quarantined, with a significant number popping positive for COVID-19, both within the homes of said school district and staff and teachers homes.
If one is to ignore subject matter experts that, in droves produce reports recommending against something, why can’t our misleadership simply ignore the brain surgeon and try do it yourself brain surgery? Less people die in that situation!
I am always appalled when I read thoughts such as “people don’t vote because they don’t see a correlation between their reality and their vote.” How selfish, how short-sighted, how completely unenlightened. I vote to make a better world, KNOWING that change takes time and that short-term sacrifices can yield huge future benefits. Perhaps it will not be until my grandchildren or great-grandchildren become adults that some changes will finally happen, but I rest easier with the knowledge that I am beneficial in helping the progress of needed changes, not an impediment.