On June 16 in this article from the White House, Mike Pence titled “There isn’t a Corona Virus “second wave” said:
Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and the courage and compassion of the American people, our public health system is far stronger than it was four months ago, and we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy.
Facts are that the rate of positive test infections doubled and we are not winning against this virus. But this was not news to Mike Pence given what was known and believed within the administration. Tapes from Bob Woodward’s book reveal that the expertise of the epidemiologists was well known and these individuals (Dr. Fauci) had provided information that stuck. The public stance of the experts was that given the actions that were taken within the US the virus was not under control.
Today’s mantra from the administration is to plan for and gear the country for herd immunity. The push back from this inhuman plan is the amount of dead if we consider 1% dead of the country’s population (2.7 million people).
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But could this be more devious than this superficial number? What if we look at the death rates per age group of people 50 years and older (especially baby boomers). Those who are not rich enough to maintain a bubble are being planned for sacrifice if herd immunity is being pushed. According to this distribution of death as provided by the CDC, more than 90% of these deaths will be aged over 50.
There are a majority of these voters that voted Republican (thinking about the Silent Majority from Reagan). Why then would it be preferential (not just callous) for us to follow this policy? Could it be that this policy will be an economic boon for pensions of the corporations and those that want to dismantle SocialSecurity by using the money to cover gifts to the rich while keeping marshal control of individual rights?
I am asking you the reader to take an ounce from Dave Chapelle’s Conspiracy Brother [from the film Undercover Brother (2002) (you can get a laugh on Youtube)].
One of my favorite rants is where the character explains that GOOD could be GO-OD. There are other rants where other s“out there” racially insensitive undertones are presented.
Regardless of your politics, wealth will separate people in their bubbles and the unwashed masses 50 and over will suffer a huge die-off if this plan goes into effect. This will benefit the rich and corporations. Unless you do not believe what is evident from the administration’s actions and the revelations in the news over the last month, there is no way this calculous has not occurred to them.
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That and a number of things, I considered.
Overall, given trends and methods, it’s Trump first, everyone else is SOL.
I can build a case, but far too many have been built and overall, if te populace rejects that, this nation is over.
We’d then have a de facto emperor, forever. At this date.