It is shameful that we can get bipartisan participation for billions in private sector giveaways & not for Build Back Better.
Yes for Corporate Welfare – No for Build Back Better
Every American should be upset at the deference of these Democratic and Republican congressmen. They went on CNN and had a love fest in their support for providing billions to private corporations.
As I have mentioned before, government regulations are not responsible for the supply chain problem. Private sector market failure is the problem, and the first failure is in the belief in some independent mythical market. The reality is that it does not exist. Monopolies and large entities with pricing power are the drivers of our economy. And in a bipartisan manner, these congressmen are ready to give our tax dollars to private corporations.
Democratic Congressman Josh Gottheimer was one of the politicians who wanted the infrastructure bill to pass independently of the Build Back Better bill. And, of course, we know where that has led us. The Plutocracy got their giveaway-bill while the poor and lower-middle-class once again got screwed; no family leave, no tax credit for children, no student loan forgiveness, no environmental fixes,
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No more corporate welfare? The new term is corporate socialism? Not socialism when giving less than substance to human beings yet socialism when giving unneeded billions to corporations so that they can purchase the government and take America away from the citizens. Some corporations have decided to purchase human beings with, an excessive, $15.00 an hour, most still purchasing human being’s at $7.50 an hour in the United States. Outside of the US, American corporations are still purchasing human being’s for less than $1.00 per hour.