Democrats must address the economy, but most importantly, Matthew Dowd correctly suggests they must point out that the other party is crazy.
Matthew Dowd nails it.
Matthew Dowd is a Republican-turned-Democrat who has given solid advice over the last several months. He worked for George W. Bush and was one of the advisors instrumental in getting him reelected when all the metrics indicated America would unelect him.
Dowd’s response to Stephanie Ruhle is one Democrats should heed.
“Matt, when you combine how inflation is weighing on Joe Biden, bad news for Biden, and how the hearings are bad news for Trump,” said Stephanie Ruhle. “Does this end up in some perverse way being an open lane for Mitch McConnell to kind of get what he wants? No Trump and hurt Biden?
Matthew Dowd pointed out that Mitch McConnell’s problem with his MAGA Republicans is that they mirror Donald Trump, and some have said worse bizarre things.
“If it was only Donald Trump out there saying crazy stuff and doing crazy things and allowing a majority of the country to dislike him, that’s one thing,” Dowd said. “The problem is he now has candidate after candidate after candidate that says as bizarre or worse things than Donald Trump that are running for the United States Senate or running for Congress or running for governor, running for secretary of state.”
Dowd then points out what Democrats need to reinforce in voters’ minds.
“When voters look at the choice between, OK, I don’t agree with Democrats on all these issues,” Dowd continues. “But then over there, they’re a bunch of nutcases over there. They’re a bunch of people that want to dismantle our democracy over there. That’s the choice that people have to make. You can say you may disagree with me on student loans. You’re on forgiving student loans, or you may not like inflation. But do you really want to turn the country over to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?”
Democrats must go after corporations that are solely responsible for inflation. We must not allow them to blame the government for something they caused: outsourcing, supply-chain issues, manufacturing failures, just-in-time inventory, and price gouging. We have discussed these extensively on Politics Done Right.
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Didn’t Hillary try that in 2016? Remember “deplorables”?
Even though she was right, how did that work out for her?