Budget Committee Chair Republican Jodey Arrington shows how unempathetic, unfeeling, and evil he and his cohort are. They do not care about starving kids, shorting veterans, and more to protect tax breaks for their wealthy benefactors.
GOP Budget Chair displays an unfeeling evil on Debt Ceiling
Rep. Jodey Arrington illustrates why it is next to impossible to negotiate with Right Wing extremists. He comes across as fairly nice. That said, the policies he and his party represent create economic hardships for many and, ultimately, death for some.
A compromise, as I write this, has been reached but not voted on yet. When looked at in detail, President Biden won this round big. The purpose of this post is not to go through the bill. Suffice it to say, most of the compromises affected a few and were more minor than I expected. But the current state of his economic agenda is unchanged. Disregard the hype. More importantly, the debt ceiling debate will be dead for two years, well into the next administration. As such, it is incumbent on Americans to vote Progressives during the 2024 primaries and to vote Democrats in large numbers in the general election.
When one listens to Arrington, it is clear that for Republicans, it is their way or the highway. Worse, they provide policies that knowingly hurt the poor and the middle class. Asked about raising some revenues, given the massive tax cuts responsible for a large part of the deficit, his answer was unequivocal.
“We certainly weren’t going to put it in the House bill,” the Republican Congressman said. “So, number one, it’s not on the table for discussion. Number two, taxes right now would only be passed on to consumers and higher prices. So we would exacerbate inflation. And our economy is growing now at just 1.1% GDP.”
So let the poor and middle class feel the pain of cuts because the wealthy will pass any taxes back to the poor and middle class. That makes no sense. Do you want them to stop passing their meager tax increases on the poor? Tax it back and keep giving it back to the poor. And while they want to scale back assistance to the poor and middle class, they still want to increase the monies going to the defense industrial complex, which continues to overcharge for the humongous profits they make.
We must call out these behaviors for what they are. It is the instantiation of their evil. Period!
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