The President is spending $1.5 trillion of our national wealth to get in an undiplomatic skirmish that is blowing up on the rest of us and ruining the holidays.
Less Facebook, More Canvassing
Many live solely on Facebook as their means of communication and interface with others. Democratic Activist Daniel Cohen explains why we must do better.
Senator Cornyn’s Office Resurfaces Old Immigration Lie from 2014
The puppets of the prison industrial complex Senator John Cornyn and Rep. Henry Cuellar are sponsoring a draconian bill that will continue destroying families at the Mexican border.
Harris County wasn’t ready for Hurricane Harvey. Has anything changed?
In the year after Hurricane Harvey, an important question looms on the horizon: What happens if a storm hits this year and we still aren’t prepared?
National Women’s March Leadership is Anti-Semitic, Apologize or Resign
Women’s March’s national organization has lost its credibility and poisoned its own spirit based on one very simple yet disturbing fact: It’s Anti-Semitic.
5 Reasons Democrats must never vote in a Republican Primary
Indivisible President Daniel Cohen excellent piece that details why Democrats must never vote in Republican primaries for precise reasons.
REVERSE SOULJAH – An Open Letter to Progressive Power Structures in 2018
The Sista Souljah moment many speak about was not bravery by Bill Clinton but a tactic used by Progressives against their own to buy favor.
Embarrassing Trump Boy Scout rant a far cry from this 16-year-old’s Eagle Scout speech
I was horrified to see Trump’s speech at the Scout Jamboree earlier this week. This Eagle Scout’s speech to teach much to the president.
NRA Fails to Support Murdered Concealed Carrier, Runs Violent Ad Instead
The NRA has a long history of zealous support for gun-friendly policies. Neither the organization nor its opposition would challenge. But Philando Castile?