President Clinton made a shocking statement at the DNC. 50 of the 51 million jobs created after the Cold War were under Democratic presidents. MSNBC fact-checked it. IT IS TRUE.
WARNING from Bill Clinton: ‘We can hold both houses.’ But remember, Republicans, know how to close.
Click on the video to activate live chat. Former President Bill Clinton nails it. Democrats & Progressives can win it all in the midterm if they campaign the right way. Don’t allow Republicans to lie or scare Americans into a GOP win. Bill Clinton is right on this one. The Republicans handed Democrats a tool […]
Historian: No longer a cliche. Vote like your life depended on it because it does. Here’s Why!
Historian Michael Beschloss was not pulling punches as he told it as it is in this country. We are on a knife’s edge from losing our Democracy. MAGA is a bona fide fascist movement.
EXACTLY! Democrats, listen up. Here is how you win by playing your own game without fear.
Democrats need to stop playing a timid game. They must lean into their values and this Democratic strategist clearly states that.
Trump exploding deficit like Reagan, Bush, & Bush. Clinton & Obama lowered it.
The pattern continues. Republican Presidents preach fiscal responsibilities even as they explode the deficit. Democrats always left to the cleaning up.
Why this picture made me lose respect for Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton’s photo op while signing the welfare reform bill still brings back memories of the insult many felt during that signing even if in silence.
REVERSE SOULJAH – An Open Letter to Progressive Power Structures in 2018
The Sista Souljah moment many speak about was not bravery by Bill Clinton but a tactic used by Progressives against their own to buy favor.
Bernie Sanders responds to Bill Clinton calling his supporters TEA Party (VIDEO)
Bill Clinton is wrong in saying that the TEA Party did not accomplish anything. It would be great if Bernie Sanders’ supporters could be that effective.
Bernie Sanders responds to Bill Clinton & ‘Liberal’ writers about his ‘pie in the sky’ policies (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders appeared on Face The Nation & responded to Bill Clinton, Paul Krugman, & Jonathan Chait’s attack on his policies as effectively pie-in-the-sky.
Donald Trump defends Bill Clinton on sex scandals as he attacks George Bush’s Iraq War in 2008 (VIDEO)
Will Donald Trump’s rivals use this video of his staunch defense of Bill Clinton and his vicious attack of George Bush lying us into war in the GOP primaries?