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Historian Michael Beschloss was not pulling punches as he told it as it is in this country. We are on a knife’s edge from losing our Democracy. MAGA is a bona fide fascist movement.
This historian is on point.
When one calls wolf too many times or claims the house is on fire on a whim, it is easy to ignore the calls and claims as time passes. For the last several years, we have been saying that for every presidential and midterm year.
Each of those times, it has been confirmed. Unfortunately, too many assumed we were claiming the house was burning down on a whim.
Too many disregarded George H.W. Bush’s warning that the base of Ronald Reagan’s policies was voodoo economics. Those were Bush’s words. It encompassed mythical math buffered by supply-side economics, a proven failed economic theory. Reagan lit the fire that systematically used the wealth and well-being of more and more Americans as its fuel to enrich the few.
Too few believed that George W. Bush would continue voodoo economics and squander a balanced budget to transfer their wealth to the few. Worse, it was easy to understand that his ineptitude alongside a warmonger like Dick Cheney would lead us into perpetual war.
Few believed an incompetent, unintelligent, bumbling buffoon could win the presidency. When an oligarchy with its funding lays the groundwork (Powell Memo) to infiltrate media, churches, schools, and Think Tanks to disempower and make a population less aware, engaged, and intelligent, we get Donald Trump. Unfortunately, because this activity continues, the part of the population susceptible to dummying, the danger of MAGA, America’s fascist movement, is a clear and present danger.
Historian Michael Beschloss gets it right with the following quote on a recent Meet the Press panel.
“20 years from now, look back on the midterms or 2022,” Michael Beschloss said. “What was at stake was not so much some of the things that we hear about, but whether this turned out to be a democracy or not with the rule of law and elections, where the real winner is the one who takes office, not the loser who was declared the winner. Those things are open questions right now. So all I would say is there was once a slogan, this time this fall, vote like your life really depended on it. It really does.”
While the votes for President Bill Clinton effectively reversed much of Reagan’s tax rate fraud and balanced the budget, he did not change our new core, supply-side economics on steroids.
While votes for President Barack Obama effectively resuscitated a frozen world economy, not only did Obama fail to destroy the failed supply-side economics, but he also used it in his signature accomplishment, Obamacare. He made his signature accomplishment inefficient by tethering to a failed economic procedure instead of using the opportunity to go to a healthcare system for all. I cover how these presidents, their economics, and our system in easy-to-read detail in my book, “As I See It: Class Warfare the Only Resort to Right Wing Doom.”
Michael Beschloss hit the nail on the head. It is time for Americans to stop buying the Kool-Aid and vote — more importantly, vote for their interests.
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