Trump singlehandedly decided to virtually appoint a new President for Venezuela. It would be no surprise if he launches a coup under the right circumstances.
Capricious, reckless and illegal
Donald Trump’s modus operandi is that of illegality. He is reckless and capricious. He figures some of his illegal policies by shear volume will stick.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the History of Dance, Gender, and American Identity
Pundits debated the optics of combining dance and politics, questioning whether Ocasio-Cortez’s gender has shaped our expectations of how she ought to behave.
Fox News’s Nefarious Role in Misinforming Trump Voters
Fox News took the misinforming of the Trump voters to a level never yet seen. They have successfully created an alternate reality for an American constituency.
Trump’s White Evangelicals are Nostalgic for an American Past that Never Existed for Blacks and Others
White Evangelicals are fighting for a nostalgic past they only imagined was theirs. Sadly inferring a non-existent past is possible.
A Less-Kind and Less-Gentle Grand Old Party
The Grand Old Party, the GOP, has turned into an enterprise of evil that given its beginnings would have been unheard of. But that it has become unabashedly.
Why the Texas ruling on Obamacare is on shaky legal ground
Why is it that the people who most need Obamacare are the ones who support those politicians who are trying to take it away.
When Did the GOP Move to the Dark Side?
by Richard Striner Richard Striner, a professor of history at Washington College, is the author of many books including Father Abraham: Lincoln’s Relentless Struggle to End Slavery and Lincoln’s Way: How Six Great Presidents Created American Power. At what point in the historical development of today’s Republican Party did it move to the “dark side?” Does this question […]
What Do the Democrats Need in 2020?: A Progressive Unifyer like FDR
FDR had his enemies such as many wealthy businessmen, conservative politicians, and the Hearst press, but he knew and understood the common people.
Christianity Is to Blame for the Bigoted Purposes to Which It’s Being Put, but …
This is a riveting article that explores Christianity’s part in the bigoted tenets of society and ponders the religions complicity using Paul’s words.