The compelling story of Kingwood High School students serenading their teacher, thanking their teacher, supporting their teacher, and lifting the spirits of their beloved teacher was so touching to most of the CNN producers that they aired it even on a very busy news day. KUDOS to our wonderful Kingwood teenage youth. What you guys […]
Black In America: The New Promise Land-Silicon Valley Pathway To Indentured Servitude
While the show on CNN “Black In America: The New Promise Land-Silicon Valley” was entertaining it may mislead entrepreneurs both black or otherwise. In the Internet Age, angel investors are unnecessary if you are willing to grow your business organically. We are simply continuing on the pathway to indentured servitude when we must sit at […]
GOP Debate A Hateful Waste Of Time Without Solutions
CNN producer note iReporter Egberto Willies, a software engineer from Kingwood, Texas, says it’s clear from tonight’s GOP debate that the Republican candidates are not interested in offering solutions but only want to criticize the President. He also referred to what he thought was a "key point" in the debate: Mitt Romney pointed out that […]
CNN quoted my statements on OccupyDC
I was quoted by CNN about the report I did on OccupyDC. Guys we are either going to be a part of the movement or cede the country to an immoral sect concerned only about their god, CAPITAL. Many believe this movement has no direction. That is one of the biggest fallacies out there. These […]