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My new book is live. I am excited because I think especially in these times it provides some important guidance in a country where we seem to be rudderless, at each other’s throats, and lacking a sense of worth.
Before I get into describing the book a few words.
Proceeds from all my books and other swag at our store go toward our independent media platform which includes our flagship program Politics Done Right. So we cherish and appreciate your support for Our progressive platform. I make it clear the program belongs to everyone.
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It’s worth It
In these distressing times, it is worth engaging. After all, asserting our worth is the fuel for growing out of our current dismal state.
Many of us got a rude awaking as we saw in some of our friends, relatives, and neighbors, a side we had no clue existed. It has damaged, sometimes irreparably, relationships that were foundational.
I definitely do not believe that it needs to be that way. You see, most of our dysfunction in the country is by design. it is manufactured. Out of chaos, the perpetrators who use us as tools and weapons to conquer for them, sit back as they profit from our toiling. That must not stand.
The solution isn’t just beating the other side. Beating the other side just leaves a regrouping army ready to disrupt at a future date. We must work on changing minds that are beneficial to us all.
I try to lay that out in my new book “It’s Worth It: How to Talk to Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors.” Everyone who has read it thus far loves it. It is progressive but decidedly objective. It respects all sides. Most importantly, by presenting my personal failures, it invites others to let their walls down, or at least crack the door open.
Interviews about the book It’s Worth It
Table of Content
In the first couple of weeks, the Kindle version and the paperback version of the book have been #1 and #2 respectively in the new releases for conflict resolution and a couple of other categories at Amazon. The reviews are very good.
So please get your copy today for an empowering read. And of course, the side benefit is the support of Progressive Independent Media.
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