We allow politicians to obfuscate the math we all know by using smoke and mirrors to distract us from the reality we should be able to see.
Don’t get fooled by the snake oil marketing of the Trumpcare, Obamacare replacement
We cannot allow the snake oil salespersons to do what they do best, fool Americans into believing that Trumpcare is better than Obamacare.
Republican Congressman slammed GOP’s Obamacare replacement on All-In (VIDEO)
A reporter asked Paul Ryan if people with preexisting conditions would do better under his Obamacare replacement. He lied and said yes.
New Obamacare repeal plan will explode premiums. The war is still on!
The middle-class and the poor won the first round. Republicans were petrified to vote on their draconian Obamacare repeal/replace bill. To get the support of the Freedom Caucus, they have chosen even eviler. We are up against a new pilfer. For anyone who believed the Obamacare fight was over, think again. Republicans are intent on […]
Seth Meyers eviscerates Donald Trump and Paul Ryan on Trumpcare (VIDEO)
Donald Trump will not be pleased by Seth Meyers latest skit on Trumpcare. He showed a particular evil in those pushing the legislation that is hard to miss.
Sean Spicer unable to give coherent answers to reporters grilling questions (VIDEO)
White House correspondents grilled Trump’s Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and he found himself speaking in an incoherent circular loop about Trumpcare.