No one explains the Republican attack on Democracy other than Ali Velshi who uses his immigrant story to get the message through.
Republicans said $2.3 trillion for wealthy’s OK but $1.9 trillion for you It’s too much. READ THIS!
Sadly too many Americans allow the con from Republicans on spending. Ali Velshi exposes what is hidden in plain sight that should give us pause.
Ali Velshi: “Private prisons are a stupid amoral idea.” – And so is private healthcare.
Ali Velshi made it clear. Private prisons are a perverse incentive. The same applies to healthcare. It is tantamount to extortion for both.
Ali Velshi decimates Republican Party: It started way before Trump.
Donald Trump did not start the meteoric lying to the American people. Ali Velshi points out it was modus operandi for the Republican Party.
Ali Velshi destroys GOP: Hope to rebuild & wash off Trump’s stench? Your silence will be remembered.
Ali Velshi, in a vicious deconstruction of Trump and the GOP’s lies, dereliction of duty, and unpatriotic vile, speaks the necessary truth.
Journalist on Trump stealing election: I’m on street going all Crispus Attucks & Thomas Payne
I had to do a doubletake while listening to Ali Velshi’s panel. Eugene Robinson was out of character. He is generally the much too objective journalist. A fascist in the making changed that.
Ali Velshi strikes again with an economic truth seldom told on cable
There are few cable or network news hosts willing to go where Ali Velshi goes economically and politically. He has the skill set necessary to get the point across without excessive offense to the sensibilities of the oligarchy.
Ali Velshi drills Trump spokesman talking COVID-19 conspiracy
Ali Velshi drills Donald Trump’s spokesperson for attempting to spin a conspiracy theory about China and COVID-19.
Listen to Ali Velshi’s message to Americans on race: It’s more than lean in.
I found Ali Velshi’s standalone segment shockingly honest. That he was allowed to use those two minutes to say what he said proves the changing times.
Fox News slam does not stop Ali Velshi from calling out cops and context-appropriate reporting.
Fox News decided that they would caricature Velshi’s factual reporting on the George Floyd murder protests in Minneapolis. Did Ali Velshi was not deterred.