The @NewYorker staff reporter Susan Glasser (@sbg1) said out loud what many a #MainstreamMedia journalist refuses to speak. #DonaldTrump’s policy positions are just a magical wand.
In this interview, Joy-Ann Reid jettisons old-style journalism Trump & his ilk run rings around.
In this interview with old-style journalist Jonathan Allen, @JoyAnnReid uses new-style journalism to ensure that we are not left with Trump’s lies.
Journalist admits that capitalism is a failure for critical stuff but still blames the government?
Journalist Terry Moran told the inconvenient truth and noted that the profit-based private sector is unreliable. He then blames the government for the baby formula fiasco.
Journalist on Trump stealing election: I’m on street going all Crispus Attucks & Thomas Payne
I had to do a doubletake while listening to Ali Velshi’s panel. Eugene Robinson was out of character. He is generally the much too objective journalist. A fascist in the making changed that.
President Obama delivers a statement on the beheading murder of journalist James Foley
Click on the video to activate live chat. President Obama addresses the murder of James Foley President Obama addressed the beheading murder of journalist James Foley. The President made it clear that he will do all that is necessary to protect Americans. Statement by the President The Edgartown School, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, 12:52 P.M. EDT […]
Jorge Ramos slams news media on Bill O’Reilly ‘Not Professional’
Click on the video to activate live chat. Jorge Ramos slams American news media Jorge Ramos did not have kind words of neither the American news media in general nor Bill O’Reilly in particular. His challenge to the press is to be more transparent and hard-hitting irrespective of party. Jorge Ramos believes news media journalists […]