Every piece of bacon comes from a unique personality.
How Sustainable Next-Gen Materials Can Create a More Ethical Consumer Market
The nascent industry of next-gen materials is set to dethrone unsustainable animal-based materials.
Hummingbirds Are in Rapid Decline
Unchecked human activity is clearing the skies of flying animals and insects.
The Cruel Eijao Trade Kills Millions of Donkeys Every Year
Africa has banned the killing of donkeys for their skins. Why isn’t the U.S. doing the same?
Most Americans Oppose Killing Horses for Food—Here’s How to End This Brutal Practice
Tens of thousands of American horses are slaughtered every year due to a loophole in federal policy.
There’s No Such Thing as ‘Humane Slaughter’ of Livestock—Federal Records Prove It
Most meat-eaters want to believe that the animals they eat don’t suffer, but time and again, federal records have shown that they do.
The Meat Industry Has Created a False Dichotomy That Pits People Against Animals
It’s a common narrative that factory farming—despite animal cruelty, environmental destruction, and human health impacts—has net positives that make it an important part of society, especially in rural America.