Big Pharma continues its lying campaign to mislead seniors and Americans to pressure Congress to avoid drug price controls. They want to continue the legal theft.
The Newest Big Pharma Scam Exposed
Big Pharma’s obscenely-priced drugs developed w/tax dollars will continue to drain working people of income, savings, and – ultimately – their health until America recognizes healthcare as a right
New Big Pharma Harry and Louise type ad to scare folks into paying more for their prescriptions
I had to do a doubletake on this Big Pharma ad. It was reminiscent of the Harry and Louise ads that killed healthcare reform before.
Rep. Katie Porter grills executive about the lying thievery of the pharmaceutical company
Rep. Katie Porter confronted a CEO about the industry’s lies about the reasons drug prices need to be high with visuals. It’s stunning.
What is the deeper meaning of these attacks on generic drugs
We know that generic drugs are a danger to the obscene profits of the pharmaceutical companies. These new fear stories while important seem PAHCF inspired.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shows she isn’t just a social-media icon but a woman with depth on issues
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez framed a question about the initial R & D on drugs in market terms which illustrated the extent of pharma corporate welfare.
Trump’s Drug Pricing Scam: You continue to get robbed
Donald Trump promised his supporters he was going after the Drug Dealers aka the Pharmaceutical companies. Instead, he is setting the stage for them to rip you off further.