The media’s hyperventilation of Trump getting a few more Black & Latino voters ignores a more profound problem with some white women voters. Panelist @AlenciaJohnson challenged @MitchellReports to correct the narrative.
Michael Steele on Republican message: We don’t accept uppity black men in this chamber.
The former Chair of the Republican Party expresses overtly what many saw when the Tennessee Legislature expelled two young black men.
What’s Fox News implying about black men’s deaths & stock market?
Fox News had an interesting graph along with a report on stock market moves in regards to when certain things happen to black men, police violence & deaths.
MSNBC host shocked by stats: Black men’s death-by-cop greater than winning Scratch-Offs.
MSNBC Host Katy Tur was shocked that black men have better odds of demise-by-cop than winning a scratch-off.
Three Black Men See Elderly Couple In Need. What Comes Next Is No Surprise To Us.
This story is one we need to put out there more often since the mainstream media tend to concentrate only on bad deeds by black men.
America needs more white men like Pete, my Starbucks buddy
saw Pete walk in. I waved. He kept coming towards me with a troubled look on his face. He was visibly upset at the discussions he had with the white men in his click.
This is how privileged white people get black men killed (VIDEO)
It is time to penalize people who put the lives of black men and others in danger based on their racist, biased fears.
Black men arrested @ Starbucks for trespassing? Am I next? (VIDEO)
One white guy stood up to call out injustice as Starbucks and most of their patrons watched two black men demeaned and abused for just being.
Black & brown people joining 2nd Amendment Movement may save America
Black and brown people asserting their 2nd Amendment rights as those in the Right Wing may provide a necessary service to America.
Another cop acquitted for murdering a Black man – America, it is your fault
What will take before Americans realize that murder is never alright because of either unjustified fear or the disregard for black lives?