Democrats should have Trump on the defensive in Midterm 2018, yet it feels the primary GOP messaging is doing that to them.
FBI Brett Kavanaugh investigation a fraud. Jeff Flake stunt just that!
Jeff Flake is foolhardy to believe that an FBI investigation whose parameters are controlled solely by a corrupt President, will find any wrongdoing.
Psychologist Roy Eidelson on Political Mind Games & The Kavanaugh File (VIDEO)
Psychologist Roy Eidelson uses the Brett Kavanaugh hearing to illustrate how the Plutocracy plays political games to maintain power over us all.
Political Mind Games: The Kavanaugh File
We’re using the same playbook to quell the controversy generated by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, CREDIBLE! Brett Kavanaugh is toast
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said she is 100% sure that it was Brett Kavanaugh who was drunk and attempted to rape her several years ago.