This GOP Pundit tells why he believes that Donald Trump could make the Republican Party sane again and win the White House again.
GOP pundit apologizes to Ed Schultz for lying about Scott Walker’s employment numbers (VIDEO)
Pundit lying about Scott Walker employment number caught red handed A rarity occurred on TV today. Yesterday Genevieve Wood, Daily Signal Senior Contributor and GOP pundit appeared on the Ed Show. While discussing Scott Walker’s employment record she did what Republicans are very good at doing on national TV. She indiscriminately misinformed. She lied about […]
Michael Eric Dyson’s on Rachel Dolezal points out race as a social construct (VIDEO)
Michael Eric Dyson points out that one must be consistent in addressing the Rachel Dolezal matter if one really believes race is just a social construct.
Ed Schultz – Wall Street profits down yet Wall Street bonuses up (VIDEO)
Ed Schultz points out that profits are down, Wall Street bonuses are up, yet wages stagnant for over 40 years.
Will you see the world through my black eyes for one day? (VIDEO)
Looking through my eyes may or may not be different than yours depending on your level of empathy. Looking through the eyes of others can be informative.
T-Dubb-O – The type of activist we need from the Urban to the Appalachian (VIDEO)
T-Dubb-O is a grassroots activist that must be watched and mimicked. One hopes the national faux-activist class will learn and build on the work he does.
GOP Congressman: ‘Sometimes I believe Republicans live in an unreal world’ (VIDEO)
Peter King (R-NY) is a Conservative Republicans that’s sensible. More sensible Republicans must follow his lead & bring the party back to a sane existence.
An employer we would all love to have (VIDEO)
A responsible and socially conscious restaurant owner A good businessperson understands that any business is really a symbiotic relationship between the owners of the business, the employees, and the customers. The failure of any one of those legs means a failed business or a predatory business. Most American corporations do not understand that. They have been […]
John Fugelsang: This is why Democrats in Senate must call GOP socialists
John Fugelsang wants Democrats to project GOP ‘Socialist’ attack back at them John Fugelsang was on his political game on Friday’s The Ed Show. It is almost like he had a couple of answers ready waiting for a question. If the issue of ensuring all Americans had access to healthcare was not so serious, it […]
John Fugelsang to GOP ‘If you don’t want to help the sick stop calling yourself Christian’
John Fugelsang once again calls out the GOP on its intransigence Dr. Corey Herbert, Professor at LSU Health Science Center and John Fugelsang, political commentator and TV Host appeared on The Ed Show on Friday. The show spent considerable time discussing Obamacare and the suit Speaker John Boehner will be filing against the President. Dr. Corey […]