It seems that Red State politicians have a lot to answer to their constituents. While they like to blame others it is clear they have failed policies.
Stephanie Ruhle busts Trump’s fallacy of a recovering economy with a perfect example
Donald Trump is responsible for a large percentage of our economic collapse. Stephanie Ruhle clips his wings with her assessment.
More jobs under Democrats: Stephanie Ruhle exposed Trump/GOP’s job lies (VIDEO)
Why can’t Democrats cauterize within the minds of every American irrespective of ideology this verifiable truth about political parties and jobs?
Hillary Clinton taking flak for making a factual statement about 2016 election (VIDEO)
Hillary Clinton pointing out the realities of the states that did not vote for her is essential. It helps analyze what happened in the 2016 election.
Economy Much Better Under Democrats Than Republicans. Why the cover up? (VIDEO)
Inasmuch as the data absolutely show the economy under Democratic Presidents outperforms GOP Presidents, you will not believe the professors’ conclusion.