Unless you only buy foods that are certified organic or marked as “GMO-free,” odds are that a great deal of the food you eat contains genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Illegal Genetically Modified Wheat In Oregon A Window Into The Future
It was just a matter of time before a farmer would find his/her field infected with genetically engineered crops. Once genetically modified crops are allowed outside of a laboratory, it can and will reproduce. It will migrate with the wind, bees, clothes, and birds. It is for this reason that tough regulations are needed […]
DNA Altered Salmon Research In Panama – Food Supply Controlled By Corporations? (VIDEO)
This research is happening in my previous backyard, Panama, and most Panamanians are completely oblivious to it. Is DNA altered food dangerous? I think it must be researched. My personal opinion is that we have adapted to certain types of foods and that genetically modified food will be no different after we adapt to it. […]