Unless you only buy foods that are certified organic or marked as “GMO-free,” odds are that a great deal of the food you eat contains genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Illegal Genetically Modified Wheat In Oregon A Window Into The Future
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. It was just a matter of time before a farmer would find his/her field infected with genetically engineered crops. Once genetically modified crops are allowed outside of a laboratory, it can and will reproduce. It will migrate with the wind, bees, clothes, and birds. It is for this […]
DNA Altered Salmon Research In Panama – Food Supply Controlled By Corporations? (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. This research is happening in my previous backyard, Panama, and most Panamanians are completely oblivious to it. Is DNA altered food dangerous? I think it must be researched. My personal opinion is that we have adapted to certain types of foods and that genetically modified food will be no […]