Irresponsible right-wing narratives continue from the likes of Right-Wing host Glenn Beck disregarding coronavirus which could get many Americans killed.
Conservative on Trump: He is so bad he is in the running for the worst president of all time (VIDEO)
Every day that Trump is in office, he proves why it will be hard not to define him as the worst president of all time. Beck, Sykes, & Will made that clear.
Glenn Beck called Trump a ‘sociopath’ on Charlie Rose and explained (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck has recently begun to sound more rational than he has ever sounded. Maybe Trump moved the bar so far that previous insanity is now sane.
Glenn Beck urges Republicans to jump ship now (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck in no uncertain terms is suggesting to rank and file Republicans to jump off of the Donald Trump trainwreck now.
Glenn Beck believes actions of GOP establishment could lead to civil war (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck missed no punches as he said he will not vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. He sees potential for a civil war.
CNN Chris Cuomo to Glenn Beck ‘ you wound up birthing Donald Trump’ (VIDEO)
The inconvenient truth for Glenn Beck is that there are times when people start taking the bile he spills to heart that gives the likes of Donald Trump an opening.
Glenn Beck leaves the Republican Party – ‘I am done!’ (VIDEO)
Glenn Beck says he is out. He is irate with the Republican Party for rather impractical reasons and have decided to leave the Party immediately.
Bill Maher schools the Right, Rush, Hume and Beck, bullying is not masculine (VIDEO)
Bill Maher calls out the bullies. Bill Maher gave a powerful and well written last New Rule. It was satirical, graphic, but reality based. It is something that needed to be said, in full context. The expectation is that this rant will be another debunking of a false narrative. After all, when false narratives are […]
Sarah Palin, Dick Morris, & Right Wing Cohorts – Con Artists? (VIDEO)
Have you ever wondered why Right Wing personalities that one would otherwise believe is intelligent continue to spew absurdities? Does anyone believe Sarah Palin or Sean Hannity believes President Obama is a socialist or palled around with terrorists? They know better. They come up with these statements to raise the ire of gullible low information […]
Jon Stewart To GOP – Good Luck in 2020 (VIDEO)
It is hard to believe that the GOP is taken seriously as a legitimate party. The party can be broken down into four distinct factions, the racist faction, the ‘alternate state of reality’ faction, the evangelical fanatical faction, and the impotent faction. At any given time most Republicans tend to play a part in two […]