Jon Stewart used his monologue not for jokes, but to call out Americans for an irresponsible cycle of doing nothing on an issue that really matters.
Jon Stewart Ridicules Bill O’Reilly Texting And Marijuana Comments (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Jon Stewart took on Bill O’Reilly’s commentaries on marijuana and texting. On the surface one may think Jon Stewart is just using Bill O’Reilly as a punching bag yet again. Not so. “If you use any intoxicating agent then your goal is to leave reality. You are […]
Jon Stewart: Politicians Prostituting To NRA. We are Syria, Iran, & North Korea. REALLY! (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart in the video above in four minutes encapsulates the idiocy of the gun debate not only as it applies to Americans but as it applies overseas.
Jon Stewart To GOP – Good Luck in 2020 (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. It is hard to believe that the GOP is taken seriously as a legitimate party. The party can be broken down into four distinct factions, the racist faction, the ‘alternate state of reality’ faction, the evangelical fanatical faction, and the impotent faction. At any given time most […]
Jon Stewart Encapsulates The Absurdity of The Gun Debate–Funny But Sad (VIDEO)
Click on the video to activate live chat. Jon Stewart in his very funny manner encapsulates the absurdity of the gun control debate. That the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre is unable to have all parties sit back and have a sensible conversation on how to remove the most dangerous guns from our midst is […]