I explain in the video at the end of this article the pathology of junk health insurance and why folks buy it. It is a perfect illustration of the rationale behind Single-Payer Medicare for All.
The time is NOW! Hold them accountable for Obamacare sabotage and all else
As the final stretch to the election approaches, we must get ahead of the blast of misinformation financed by the Right Wing magnates following the Powell Manifesto.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Report Confirms GOP Sabotage
When one’s own administration confirms the healthcare sabotage, it means we must redouble our efforts to extricate the cancer before it becomes fatal.
Confirmed: Absent Trump/GOP ACA sabotage, rates would be FLAT/DROPPING next year.
For the first time since the ACA launched, if not for three sabotage efforts by Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans rates would be dropping.
Donald Trump Is Responsible For Premium Increases
We must continue letting Americans know that the Trump/GOP sabotage is responsible for the high premium increases.
Trump’s Drug Pricing Scam: You continue to get robbed
Donald Trump promised his supporters he was going after the Drug Dealers aka the Pharmaceutical companies. Instead, he is setting the stage for them to rip you off further.
Protect Our Care Launches “Rate Watch” Campaign
Protect Our Care today is launching “Rate Watch,” an educational campaign that will highlight how Republican health care sabotage is forcing up health care costs across the country.
GOP ACA Sabotage Effect: Medicaid cuts, 37,000 Louisiana nursing home evictions
Louisiana officials announce that they will send 37,000 seniors nursing home eviction notices due to state Republicans’ Medicaid funding cuts.
GOP ACA Sabotage Effect: Maryland insurers ask for double-digit hikes
The ACA sabotage is now in full vogue and Americans are going to see the brunt of it when they get their new rates in October.
The GOP Affordable Care Act Stabilization Sham is coming to a head
Republicans are going to claim that THEY are the ones who want to stabilize the Affordable Care Act and that Democrats stood in the way.