I must admit that I have a soft spot in my heart for anyone that sticks up for the poor and the middle class. After-all, I do believe I am my brothers and sisters’ keeper. That is the difference between a civilized society and a barbaric society. Can you really watch others suffer and not […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies–NRA, Fiscal Cliff, Fractured GOP Sat 12–2PM Central
Click to listen to PODCAST Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 What an eventful week! Speaker Boehner promises a vote on his Plan B and is unable to find the votes in his own caucus. Most GOP politicians remain silent on […]
Newtown Shooting Force Obama To Get Serious About Gun Control? Joe Biden To Lead Push .
One can only wonder why it took this many killings for the president to attempt to get serious about sensible gun control to protect the American citizenry. In assigning Joe Biden to this task he may be attempting to dilute attacks on him as being the president taking away guns. It will take a constant […]