Anyone who follows my articles, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, & videos knows my Progressive credentials are unquestioned. But I also believe we must engage Conservatives and others continuously.
Young column: When did recklessness become an ideology?
Sure, some Americans, regardless of political slant, were firmly anti-vax before this. But what explains today’s red-state, anti-vax, anti-mask phenomenon? The letter-writer nails it
It’s not the fight within parties that matter and here is why!
Americans continue to fight the wrong fights continually. This video is an example of the danger in doing so politically.
This Judge Forces Parent To Change Child’s First Name–What Next? (VIDEO)
This story seems unreal in the United States of America. In short, Lu Ann Ballew, the Child Support Magistrate who serves the 4th Judicial District of Tennessee that includes Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson, and Sevier counties, renamed a Tennessee’s mother’s child’s name. She did this based on her own religious beliefs and the preponderance of the […]
Joe Scarborough: Newtown Shooting Made ‘Ideologies Of My Past’ On Guns Irrelevant (VIDEO)
Joe Scarborough, one of the few more Right Conservative, have finally seen that this massacre makes all previous attempts of defense of laissez faire gun policy untenable. It means that going forward this event will mark the change many have been waiting for. While some have been saying that now is not the time for […]