Madison Amelia was in an abusive interracial relationship. She took out her camera to record an escalation of her abusive reality; the Trump effect.
So Why Are You No Longer Dating Black Men Ms. Wendy James?
Black men, White men, and every man deserve a fair shot I am pissed as I write this blog post. I generally refrain from writing blog posts when I am mad because it sometimes can cloud one’s judgment. I have however heard this crap enough that even when pissed I can address it. Before I […]
Reaction In Black Barbershop Of White Woman Dating Black Guy (VIDEO)
 Black Barbershop Patrons Stand Up For White Woman This episode of John Quiñones’ ‘What Would You Do” is telling. It shows the basic goodness of people. It shows that real prejudice is abating. It shows that more and more folks are willing to stand up for fairness. There was one disconcerting point made evident in […]