This should turn every Progressive’s head. Senator Joe Manchin seems to threaten AOC & Progressives with GOP votes for the bipartisan infrastructure bill in his very folksy tone.
CAUGHT: Donny Deutsch slams Sen. Blunt for his sly use of Stacey Abrams’ race in Manchin critique
It did not go past Donny Deutsch. Sen. Blunt used a sly racial influence as Manchin showed support for the voting rights bill.
CNN: Tapper & ABC: Raddatz grilled Sen. Joe Manchin with inconvenient questions & got naive
Both Jake Tapper & Martha Raddatz grilled Joe Manchin on why a Senator from a poor state would limit their income and on the filibuster. He gave willfully naive answers.
Chuck Todd schools Senator Manchin: Filibuster was never an idea of the Founding Fathers.
Chuck Todd schools a willfully naïve Senator Joe Manchin about the filibuster. He reminded the Senator of something many may not know or realize.
Message to Democrats: Help people fast. Advice to Joe Manchin (D-WV), stand down.
Americans are in pain as most of the media devote most of their time to the coup. Ezra Klein has timely advice for Democrats; Help people fast. He also has advice for Joe Manchin.
Joe Manchin will do well to support the $2000 stimulus/relief as written lest his daughter’s EpiPen pilfer elevated
If Joe Manchin does not get his act together about ensuring that every day Americans for a change get the appropriate support from their government, we will remind all that his daughter is a major part of the cesspool that is the pharmaceutical industry that is ripping his constituents off.
Joe Scarborough tells an inconvenient truth about the 2020 vote and Biden’s bipartisanship
Joe Scarborough’s claim that he does not understand GOP gaining seats and that Biden could run a bipartisan administration is naive.
Expose Red States once and for all as taker states then we can move forward.
Analyzing which states are net payers and which are net receivers is complex but it is clear that the red states are takers in the aggregate.
Schumer & Democrats not capitulating to McConnell & Republican’s corporate stimulus bill.
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer went to the door and slammed Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for a corporate stimulus Republican bill and partisan screech.