Billionaires against Trump? A Koch group released a piercing attack ad against Trump. But the Former GOP Chair believes it will be ineffectual for most of MAGA.
Even a Koch Brother is scared of a Republican Presidency (VIDEO)
When a Koch Brother is considering not voting for his party and says that the bearers of the party’s platform are frightening, it should give pause.
Koch Brothers To Purchase Major American Newspapers–Truth Held Hostage?
The purpose of the media, the press, is to be the unbiased source of information for the citizens. Americans would never accept government controlled media, for they would be assured that government would have no entity to police it. Most of, if not all of the major dispersers of news in the United States are […]
Rachel Maddow: The Unraveling Of The Republican Party (VIDEO)
Real reporting is hard to come by. Most featured personalities at different networks tend to be timid in their analysis of those that are perceived to be aligned with the ideology of the particular network. Inasmuch as Rachel Maddow is a staunch Liberal, she does not cower when Liberals, including the President, are failing at […]