It is easy for us to get into wars and difficult to get out because we have media that entertain warmongers that depend on American’s geographical and sociopolitical ignorance.
‘Liberal’ MSNBC Runs All-Star Lineup of Awful Right-Wing Guests
There are no Liberal or Progressive networks. All are Right of Center, neo-liberal, or Right Wing. Only Independent media supports policies of the masses.
Whitehouse: “Plan B” Cuts Taxes For Millionaires, Raises Taxes on Middle Class, No Deficit Reduction
The Tax Proposals in Plan B Raise only about $300 billion from high-income households – less than one third of the amount Boehner offered: Because it cuts incomes tax rates on the first $1 million of income and repeals tax expenditure limits for even the very highest earners, Plan B raises only about $250 billion […]