I expect Michael Moore’s movie, ‘Where to Invade Next’ to be disparaged by the establishment, the plutocracy, as people see what America could be.
Michael Moore on UC Santa Barbara Shootings: “Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.”
Michael Moore has nothing more to say Michael Moore even while being out of words had a lot of words to illustrate his disgust, America’s disgust with the state of our gun culture after the Elliot Rodger killings. Remember when Michael Moore once thought that any release of the pictures from the Newton Massacre would […]
5 Reason Republicans Should Be Charged With Treason–Bill Maher Agrees (VIDEO)
UPDATE: My post below created a stir on the Coffee Party main Facebook page. Before I begin, I am one of many voices in Coffee Party. I have never attempted to hide that I am what most consider left in my ideology. I became part of the Coffee Party because I do not believe that […]
Michael Moore: NRA Finished Whenever Newtown Massacre Pictures Leaked
Michael Moore sent out another one of his long letters to his list yesterday. His letters are always wordy, entertaining but mostly on point. Yesterday’s letter was a difficult piece to read, however it is a necessary read. We only have the words when we hear of those innocent children who died in the Sandy […]
Prescient Christmas Message From Michael Moore–Read It Objectively
I must admit that I have a soft spot in my heart for anyone that sticks up for the poor and the middle class. After-all, I do believe I am my brothers and sisters’ keeper. That is the difference between a civilized society and a barbaric society. Can you really watch others suffer and not […]