If the progressive agenda is to succeed, we will need to engage millennials and GenZs. We must engage them and elevate them into leadership.
Millennial on the State of our Union: It’s like the fall of the Roman Empire but with WiFi
When one thinks about what the current economic structure has imposed on the millennial, Eleanor Goldfield’s analysis is easy to understand.
A touching exchange with a millennial who called in to Politics Done Right (VIDEO)
When one receives a call like this from a millennial, it is like icing on the cake as it makes it evident that this group is necessarily engaged.
Democratic VP Candidate: 5 reasons millennials should vote Clinton/Kaine ticket (VIDEO)
Tim Kaine, the Democratic VP candidate, was ready with the reasons every millennial should vote for the Clinton/Kaine ticket. Repeat over and over.
Confused millennial blaming millennials for millennials’ problems (VIDEO)
A millennial ill-informedly blames millennials for the conditions created by previous generations. This rant is dangerous in this election year.