Lex Hinkley is a 27-year-old traveling nurse based in San Diego who exposed our healthcare system on a viral TikTok rant. I cleaned up the curse words.
Arrest? No! Police assaults nurse when she refuses to draw blood illegally (VIDEO)
This nurse’s arrest proves that along with other incidents after incidents, we are not far from a being a police state.
Watch President Obama reassure Americans that Ebola crisis is under control (VIDEO)
President Obama reassures Americans Ebola crisis under control President Obama gave a news conference on the Ebola crisis. He wanted to reassure Americans that the Ebola crisis was under control. President Obama postponed today’s campaign trip in New Jersey and Connecticut in order to meet with his “cabinet agencies coordinating the government’s response to the Ebola […]
Margaret Reeve Panahi, A RomneyCare Nurse Speaks Out on Obamacare
It seems everybody is in a hurry now to sign up. The deadline for 2014 Obamacare coverage is tonight, March 31st, 2014. If there was not a vicious misinformation campaign, the panic that is setting in now likely would not be occurring. Lines are long in Texas with people who simply disregarded the misinformation and […]