Politicians have no excuse now to deny the wants of a large majority of Americans, Medicare for All. Absent adoption we must defeat them.
Single Payer Medicare for ALL: The vast majority of Americans now want it
Many in the Progressive sphere have been discussing Single Payer Medicare for All ad nauseam. It is a mathematical certainty that having one payer for medical care is less expensive than having multiple payers. In other words, all things being equal, having several insurance companies pay your health care bill is extremely wasteful. Anyone who tells […]
New Jersey’s complete Democratic takeover points out the cancer within
It is us who continue to allow a particular sect within our party, the Democratic Party Establishment, to dictate what is best.
Former UK citizen lost home to U.S. Health care & blasts Single-Payer Medicare for All opponents
This former UK citizen did not hold back in calling out those who opposed Single-Payer Medicare for All. He was intolerable of their ignorance
Sloppy reporting mislead Americans about Single-Payer Medicare for All
Purposefully sloppy reporting about single-payer Medicare for all is a more significant hurdle to overcome than the transition to the program itself.
The moral & mathematical case for nonprofit single-payer Medicare for All
We should be honest with Americans about the reason for our dysfunctional healthcare system and the disparaging of single-payer Medicare for All.
This will happen to you too – We must fight for Medicare for All
The Medical Industrial Complex (Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, and Insurance) are robbing Americans blind. If it has not yet happened to you, it most certainly will. The only solution is Single-Payer Medicare for All to guarantee the legal theft will end. The article titled “A Tale of Two CT Scanners – One Richer, One Poorer” tells a […]
She yearns for Single-payer Medicare for all as she battles our failed market based private healthcare system (VIDEO)
When Americans realize the mathematical impossibility that market-based health care is better than Single-Payer Medicare for All, the pilfer will continue.
Texas Republican defends lawmakers who killed citizens by denying them Obamacare (VIDEO)
Texas Republican attempts to defend lawmakers for denying their citizens’ health care coverage under Obamacare causing the death of thousands.
Congressman & Senate Candidate Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) on Medicare for All (VIDEO)
Beto O’Rourke did an excellent job in explaining his stance on Medicare for All which Progressives should entertain not as dubious but necessarily pragmatic.
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