CNN Democratic Commentator and Pundit Karen Finney ( @finneyk ) shocked the panel as she told them her grandmother sounded like Nikki Haley. Finney, a black woman, is a direct descendant of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Red State governors to their citizens: Starve to death or risk death working; Antiseptic Slavery!
I told many on my media show Politics Done Right that capitalism is a form of antiseptic slavery. Many thought I was insensitive or making inflammatory statements. Here is a fact. When it is running in a steady-state mode rarely does one see the deficiencies. When there are disruptions, it heals itself by hurting humanity […]
Our economic system, a new antiseptic form of slavery.
We are in a period where the masters of our economy are using virtual chains to get their will. It is an antiseptic form of slavery.
Black clouds will huddle until we acknowledge what we have done.
Until America acknowledge all of our sins against humanity intentionally we will continue to get these immoral acts by a privileged few.
Democratic Primary shows Centrists still condone the new slavery
The poor and the middle-class are in an existential moment that needs education and leadership. Too many in the Democratic Primary fail to see that.
Boeing 737 MAX crash, the encapsulation of capitalism, feudalism, & slavery (VIDEO)
Ultimately Boeing charges for safety because, it can. if it chooses to do so. And it is what they did for the Boeing 737 MAX.
New form of slavery not racial but subtle. more dangerous & affects all (VIDEO)
But the new form of slavery can be mitigated if one enters into the enslavement with eyes wide open with an independent exit strategy.
Here are some inconvenient truths about Roy Moore’s slavery comments
Roy Moore opened the door for this historian to reveal inconvenient truths about the strong southern families Roy Moore speaks about during slavery days.
Trump Spox: Civil War & slavery part of America’s “good history” (VIDEO)
We are in dire straits when an administration can send out a black spokesperson to defend white supremacy and slavery as “good history.”
Mom calls out textbook publisher for redefining slavery as immigration and gets results (VIDEO)
This Texas mom started the counterattack that counted, a taxpaying parent who would not allow her state to lie to her child about slavery. She got results.