The Trump Effect continues as just the presence of a black body, a person of color, is a reason to call the police to instill the fear. You are not wanted here.
Trump Effect: I’m more concerned about police behavior than racist ranter (VIDEO)
This police officer watches as a racist man bordering on violent confronts a woman who rented an area of the park without lifting a finger to assist, the Trump Effect.
Anti-immigration Republican Legislator: There Aren’t Enough White Kids to Go Around in State Schools (VIDEO)
The Trump effect continues in full swing as anti-immigration Republican Legislator said there are not enough white kids in state schools.
Republican Rewards His Kids For Marrying White People
This Republican candidate rewarding kids for marrying white people proves the Trump effect is just the permission slip for these folks to come out.
Trump Effect: Lawyer flipped out because workers spoke Spanish at NY deli (VIDEO)
A lawyer, a man who should know better, went into “Trump Effect” mode as he berated Spanish speaking deli employees as he threatened to call ICE on them.
Trump Effect: TV Producer to neighbor ‘Your son is dating a f*cking n**ger’ (VIDEO)
The Trump Effect continues. The Donald’s has made so much acceptable that many people are losing their ability to control their worst inhibitions.
The Trump Effect: White roommate smears black roommate w/ tampon blood & more (VIDEO)
This black woman’s white roommate effected one of the vilest attacks on her to get her to move out of the dorm room. You won’t believe this.
NFL team owner Bob McNair’s statement confirms player are but high priced slaves (VIDEO)
Bob McNair claims he was not referring to players when he made his offensive statements which means he also undermines our intelligence.
Trump Effect: Biracial 8-year-old boy lynched by teenagers in New Hampshire
Police are investigating the incident of an 8-year-old boy that appears to have been lynched by boys who taunted him with racial epithets.
Trump Effect: Woman spews anti-Muslim, anti-Obama filth in Trader Joe’s (VIDEO)
The Trump effect is not going away. The 2016 election unleashed a strain of hate that is durable, and the woman in a Trader Joe’s line is probative.