It is easy for us to get into wars and difficult to get out because we have media that entertain warmongers that depend on American’s geographical and sociopolitical ignorance.
The 9/11 attack Wasn’t An Act of War: It Was a Crime
Language matters, because it’s how we understand what’s real and what’s a scam or a lie. When statecraft language is misused people can die, as happened for decades in Afghanistan.
When Will We Stop Letting Our Presidents Lie America Into Wars?
America has been lied into too many wars. It’s cost us too much in terms of money, credibility and blood. We must remember the lies. We can’t afford to let this one go down the memory hole, too.
Rand Paul calls out Trump: Why are we always the patsies sending our kids there?
Rand Paul very artfully criticized Trump questioning his warmongering military appointments. His prescient question is, Why are we always the patsies sending our kids there?
Give Peace a Chance: Don’t Believe the War Profiteers
No, the spoils will go to our massive and multifaceted war machine. The war machine is comprised of companies controlled by the 1%.
Another Pro-War Lie: Media Still Not More Skeptical of Pro-War Claims
With pro-war governments it is always difficult to get the truth out to the population at large. The same is true with the drum beats to war with Venezuela.
Preparing for war in Venezuela? I’ve seen this play before
The Venezuela story serves two purposes that feed off of each other. Millennials and other Americans are realizing that the current economy is extractive on most.
Media Rally Around ‘Forever War’ in Afghanistan
Just hours after news of the Afghanistan framework deal broke, corporate media jumped to sound the alarm, urging the US to maintain its occupation.
Trump Declares war on Christmas
The President is spending $1.5 trillion of our national wealth to get in an undiplomatic skirmish that is blowing up on the rest of us and ruining the holidays.
Robert Reich: How Trump is preparing for War
Several other cable news anchors and pundits are already in the Trump administration or will soon be, providing additional ammunition for Trump’s pending war.