I love the way this woman tells her immediately discernible encounter with white privilege in a calm thoughtful manner.
The most intelligent commentary on Rachel Dolezal to date (VIDEO)
He did not succumb to group think on Rachel Dolezal I got up this morning reading through my emails. Melissa Harris-Perry was torn to pieces on Black Twitter for having the unmitigated gall to entertain the possibility that Rachel Dolezal was black albeit not necessarily with the genes that provide any substantial melanin. I wrote […]
This is what class & White privilege look like interacting with police (VIDEO)
This is the encapsulation of class and white privilege in our society  today where who you are determine if you are at risk when encountering the police.Â
Chris Hayes: If I Were Black I’d Be In Jail For Being Caught With Weed (VIDEO)
Chris Hayes is a different kind of journalist. He is young. He has wisdom beyond his years. He is empathetic. Christ Hayes understands the power of personal testimony in order to provide a more in depth understanding of a story he is relaying. He is able to connect without sounding preachy or presumptuous. Last Friday […]
Deep – Terrorism and Privilege: Understanding the Power of Whiteness by Tim Wise
One of my hometown friends sent me an email with the essay below written by Tim Wise. It’s message is germane to what is occurring now with the current Boston Marathon bombing. In fact I wrote an article this morning after seeing Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of the Tamerlan Tsarnaev & Dzhokar Tsarnaev, the alleged […]