President Obama went into Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s state & completely decimated his economic policy with Minnesota middle-class economics success.
I was wrong. He is not toast. Bernie Sanders is building a real grassroots movement. (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders gave a powerful speech in Madison Wisconsin. He is doing more than running for president. He is building a movement.
Bernie Sanders Rally in Madison, Wisconsin (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders holds a successful campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin. There were over 10,000 people in attendance.
President Obama speaks out passionately at the 2014 Milwaukee Laborfest
The President said that Labor Day belongs to the “working folks who are here today, and the unions who’ve always had your back,” and emphasized the importance of building our economy from the middle class out: I didn’t run for President to double down on top-down economics. I ran for President because I believed in […]
Woman Explains Why Wisconsin Citizens Vote Against Their Own Interest (VIDEO)
Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is conducting its 2nd biannual Democracy Convention in Madison Wisconsin between August7th and August 11th. Many activist organizations are presenting conferences including Move To Amend, Code Pink, Liberty Foundation, Alliance For Democracy, & Veterans For Peace. One cannot escape the beauty of downtown Madison with that State Capitol […]