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Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies–Equal Opportunity Myth Sat 12–2PM CST
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Pleasure speaking to you again today. Its always nice to have a forum to talk about one of the most pressing, but least discussed issues in the media that being the offshoring of American jobs. One of the many reasons I oppose globalization, is that is has served as a mechanism for trans-national corporation to offshore production to the cheapest overseas labor markets. Notice I said labor markets and not countries, because in the eyes of the corporation, countries are now reduced to being called markets and human beings reduced to units of labor.
With respect to your most recent blog post, I believe the destruction of the middle class, the trade and budget defecit, and inequities in terms of income and tax structure can be remedied with the following: 1. tax corporations at a lower rate for domestic GDP and at a higher for GDP earned offshore. paul craig roberts, ralph gomory and others have proposed this. 2. modest application of tariffs and import to protect the manufacturing that is left in the united states and to re-industrialize america. 3. strong buy american provisions for anything related to national defense and infrastructure spending also with the aim of reindustrializing. 4, 1% stock transfer tax on stock purchases to close the budger defecit and reduce speculation.
With respect to health care, I am doubtful that Affordable Health Care Act, which does not make health care more affordable is somehow a master stroke and important step towards Medicare for All. The insurance and drug companies were powerful before the enactment of this bill and being that they are prime beneficiaries and hence more powerfu as a result, I question that this will lead to a better system of health care in the future.
keep up the good work,
Brian from Pa
thinking is America’s national disability. I’m all for anything that provokes Americans to think.
-Paul Craig Roberts
Thanks for being on the call. Your ideas were invaluable. Please remember what we discussed. We must all use and share our spheres of influence to enlighten.