Today Chuck Todd of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown was doing some political analysis on the President’s press conference with Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibb and Republican Strategist John Feehery. They discussed the seemingly powerless president mostly because of Republicans’ inability to work with him. The following dialogue was amusing but rather sad because the current political stalemate affects millions of poor and middle class Americans.
Chuck Todd: This idea that there is not, you know the president you say look powerless, you say the Republicans don’t fear him, yet they don’t seem to have a cohesive strategy or agenda. There was a political article this morning about Kevin McCarthy and Eric Kantor, numbers 2 and number 3 in the house Republicans and it is clearly one of the sides decided to leak something about this meeting that they were fighting and disagreeing on a strategy for instance on how to deal with healthcare.
John Feehery: I love those stories that leaked out on internal Republican….. I think that leadership is frustrated; they are frustrated with each other. And they are also frustrated with the fact that out of the house they really can’t pass gas. It’s really been one of those situations. [Funny chatter] They just don’t have the votes. It’s not a leadership problem it’s a “follow ship” problem.
That over 90% of Americans wanted more gun safety with the institution of comprehensive background checks and that could not get passed is shameful. That changes were made to the sequester only to remove the inconvenience it caused air travelers (mostly the affluent) and politicians while leaving “meals on wheels”, cancer therapy, and many other programs that affect the poor and middle class without funding is shameful.
Middle class America, Poor America, and all those affected are starting to mobilize. Yesterday Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire was confronted by the daughter of the slain principal at Sandy Hook Elementary School for her no vote on background checks. This is just the beginning. John Feehery will soon realize that while they “can’t pass gas”, they will be simply passing through Congress till thee next election if they don’t start representing we the people.
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90%, Really? and how was the wording on that poll skewed? What was the exact wording?
You are kidding yourself if you don’t think at least 51% of Americans support background checks, no matter how its worded.
NO kidding here, I don’t even believe the 51% and even if it were true it does not matter. Constitutional rights are not subject to the whims of a simple majority. What if I said that you had to have to have a background check in order to vote oh and by the way you have to pass a test showing proficiency in constitutional law before you can vote?
I agree that constitutional rights are not subject to the whim of the majority. However, there are restrictions on other parts of the Bill of Rights, too numerous to mention here, but all supposedly deemed necessary to promote and protect the general welfare of the population. I believe that any attempt to keep arms out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable or have demonstrated a violent tendency in the past does just that.
No, the impositon on freedom and liberty is nothing but a temporary feel good action. The only imposition will be on honest people. The truly mentally ill will still find a way and the criminals don’t follow the laws anyway.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
For a real picture of violence in America look to the Nanny Statist from both parties.
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There is such a thing as the middle ground.
Do you lock your car or house when you’re not there? Why? It’s only a deterrent to honest people. People can still get in. The truly mentally ill will still find a way and the criminals don’t follow the laws anyway.
Your position is also like saying, “Why bother with an umbrella since you can’t stop it from raining.”
How do you feel about present bans on certain types of weapons? How do you feel about the law against undetectable weapons? How do you feel about restrictions on your right to free speech?
I may or may not agree with what Jim Carry has to say, but I defend his right to say it.
Art, your last post did not have a reply option so I had to put it here. Where or not I lock my house or car is a personal choice, fortunately I live in a rural area and have to do neither. Of course I believe in freedom of speech and Jim can say anything he likes, as do I (the above blog is mine) We are always one law away from that so called “progressive utopia” and with every law passed we take one step further from the freedoms granted by the constitution. Edward Kennedy said “said that it was better to get half a loaf than no loaf at all” The problem with that mentality is they keep eating, they have already consumed their half of the loaf but also mine, now they want me to bake them a whole new loaf.
Since 1963 there have been tons of new gun laws put in place and not one has made any of us safer, the only thing that it has accomplish is to punish law abiding gun owners. Enough is enough.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein