For states that have decided to be proactive and work for the wellbeing of all their citizens and small businesses, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is being implemented successfully. There will be bumps but it will be successful where politicians start supporting it as opposed to putting obstacles in its way to attempt to cause it to fail for ideological reasons.
A few weeks ago it was reported that California premiums under Obamacare would be lower than predicted. In Oregon after rates were posted insurance companies in the exchange requested or said there would be decreases in their own rates.
Today the New York Times is reporting that Health Plan costs for individuals in New York are decreasing by 50%. It is true that those that are getting employer base health insurance likely will see little change. For the entrepreneur, the stylist, the musician, the sandwich shop owner, this is a financial saving and likely lifesaving. Remember with Obamacare, health screenings are a part of every plan.
This is big for several reasons. For decades innovative individuals were chained to their corporate masters because leaving those chains meant that they likely could not get insurance because of pre-existing conditions or because basic individual insurance plans were simply unaffordable. It is clear that putting the individual on a similar playing field with corporations frees those who want to innovate or go into business for themselves. Obamacare has given them that opportunity, that access to seek success. That is the fear of every Corporation against this program. They will no longer have a monopoly on the innovative ideas of its employees and will either have to pay for their real worth or lose them.
Obamacare is not a panacea. Obamacare is a good start. It is true that health insurance companies in the short term will benefit from all the taxpayer provided government subsidies afforded to those who must buy health insurance from these private insurance companies (a wealth transfer from the many to the few). However, in a system where every politician is bought and owned my moneyed interests, Obamacare was a middle class coup.
Americans must still ultimately fight for a single payer system, ‘Medicare for all’. This ensures that every able bodied American pay taxes for healthcare and every American is entitled to good healthcare in the country that claims it has the best health care. Only a single payer system can mitigate the fraud that is our health insurance system. It is the only moral and economically smart solution for the country.
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I’m a citizen AND a small business owner in NY. My medical premiums doubled after Obamacare passed and now I can’t afford to have health insurance. Tell me again how this helps me.
If your health premium doubled then you did not have real health insurance, just a semblance of it. There were many charlatans selling policies that gave the owners the semblance of having healthcare insurance till they really needed it. Hey, I have my own company with a wife with Lupus and a daughter in college. I know. BTW, we have always had insurance and still do. You must check out the exchanges and pressure your state to get with the program otherwise it is immoral to confuse the populace.
LaVaune, what Egberto means is that you shouldn’t have the ability to choose what kind of health insurance you need, that you should be forced to buy all sorts of extras you don’t need and will never use, so that your money will flow to cover those that will use it often. Of course most attempt at portraying insurance premiums for individuals, which most small businesses purchase, as being cheaper under Obamacare, by comparing them with group coverage rates, which is always much higher.
California is a good example of that. When it was claimed that the exchange rates would be a bit cheaper than current, they were comparing exchange plan costs with group rates, instead of current individual rates. When apples to apples was compared, it was found that rates doubled under the ACA exchanges. They are doing the same thing with New York rates as well. It’s even worse for younger folks.
Wrong again my friend. Those insurance companies selling crap pilfers you and me. When the holders of those policies need it most they step out with their profits and tax payers pickup the tab. Obamacare though expensive brings more fairness and truth to the healthcare system. Medicare for all will complete the task.
We did have real insurance. I have had 7 knee surgeries and a hip replacement. I think I know what real insurance is. When people no longer have a choice on what to purchase, it becomes a monopoly. Like ‘Ol Ma Bell. They can charge whatever they want and ‘fair’ isn’t part of the equation. And I don’t need birth control. So why should I have to pay for that coverage?