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Mitt Romney already running for 2016 presidential race

Mitt Romney

Why is Mitt Romney making frequent appearances now?

Are you ready for Mitt Romney 2.0? Chuck Todd is pointing out what seemed to be obvious to many. Mitt Romney has been making the media rounds on a regular basis. While he continues to deny he is running, his actions and statements say otherwise.

Mitt Romney may have been buoyed by a July CNN/ORC poll that shows he would beat President Obama 53/44% if the election was held then. While the same poll has Clinton beating Romney 55%/42%, Chuck Todd’s analysis on current international events giving Romney a lift, a very poor Republican field, along with a perceived Romney re-moderation will make his run plausible.

A few weeks ago Mitt Romney bucked the Republican Party and came out in favor of the minimum wage. It is evident that he has begun the process of differentiating himself from the core, the rank and file folks in his Party. It is the attempt to appease the 47%, the piece of America he disparaged in the election he lost to President Obama.

It would be interesting to see how the Republican primaries turns out if Libertarian Rand Paul becomes the main challenger to moderate Mitt Romney. It is not as far fetch as one would think. All the major establishment Republican candidates are deeply flawed. Many like Chris Christie, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker are having legal problems.

As Rand Paul gains steam from really expanding his base with communities that are not normally Republican, Mitt Romney may be forced into the race. Many observers seem to have tunnel vision. They are unable to see that the past is not necessarily probative for the 2016 election or any election for that matter. If it was, Hillary Clinton or John McCain would have been president of the United States in 2008.

Those who think Hillary Clinton is a shoe in, better think twice. Those who think Rand Paul is a joke should make a list of the ‘jokes’ we have elected. Those who discount Mitt Romney, do not understand the American psyche

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