Rachel Maddow is justifiably incredulous
Rachel Maddow incredulously points out that many quacks have attempted to become president. The GOP is the only party that has ever given one a chance. It is hard to believe. But it is true.
“Today is a historic day,” Rachel Maddow said. “Not because we haven’t had inconceivable runs for the American presidency before. Not because in the modern era we hadn’t had people who are inconceivable as president turn out to have some appeal to a significant portion of the American electorate while making a run for president. We’ve had that before. George Wallace won five states when he ran as an independent. Ross Perot got a fifth of the vote nationwide when he ran as an independent. Pat Buchanan won almost a quarter of the Republican vote for the Republican nomination while he was running against a sitting Republican president for that nomination. But you know what? None of them did it. Not only did none of them become president, none of them ever captured the nomination of one of our country’s two major parties.”
Maddow then pointed out that Trump accomplished what no other insurgent candidate has. Worse, it wasn’t all that hard. She pointed out it only took Donald Trump eight days longer than Mitt Romney to accomplish that feat.
Rachel pointed out a poignant reality that the Republican party will have to live with. It’s titular head discriminating against a part of his electorate.
“If you are a Muslim,” Rachel Maddow said. “Today will alway be the day that one of the two parties in our country, nominated somebody for president who thinks you and your family should be ban from entering this country on the basis of your religion.”
Maddow points out that as the presumptive nominee, Donald Trump is now entitled to major party presidential candidate treatment. He now gets RNC staff and RNC money. He gets control of the Republican Party bureaucracy. He gets CIA briefings. God bless America.
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