Do not be too quick to discount the possibility that Donald Trump could come out and make a one hundred and eighty-degree ideological turn. He would not do it for reelection first but survival.
One of Trump’s biggest supporters is the Evangelical Christian sect. He does not risk losing them because they have already told their followers that flaws and all, Donald Trump was sent by God. To cut him loose would diminish the Evangelical Leadership trustworthiness to those indoctrinated by their words.
Both the racist and non-racist portion of Trump’s base notwithstanding, the Evangelical Christians are not particularly ideological. And one must remember, in Republican parlance, they are takers. To be clear, the Red States are net takers while the Blue States are net makers. Trump’s people want stuff from the government. They just do not want the ‘others’ to get it too.
Donald Trump promised his base jobs. It is clear from history and from fact based information that supply-side economics is a failure. The only solution to the malaise of the poor and middle-class is to go big. It is not inconceivable that Trump starts supporting big spending policies as he sees the economy slow down.
Trump’s base is more dependent on Obamacare, Medicaid Expansion and all. He may find out that as Tom Price continues the Obamacare sabotage that his base starts rebelling.
Well, yesterday Donald Trump made a move. He rebuked his own party and came out in support of the will of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, a three-month debt ceiling extension as opposed to an 18-month extension that would have protected the Republican Party pre-2018 election.
A few weeks ago I warned Progressives that Trump might outflank them on a Medicare for All single-payer health care plan. I was called naive. I finished the article with the paragraph below.
In other words, just like Donald Trump triangulated Americans in mixing Progressive populist ideas as he campaigned, even though he had no intentions of fulfilling them, he may do the same with health care. Democrats must stop playing defense and present a plan Americans want. Provide a narrative that starts the process of immediately improving Obamacare’s flaws in the short term. Then create a credible transition plan with the proper narrative of removing an unnecessary middleperson that skims portions of our premiums to enrich a few without adding any value to Americans. And one must repeat, that system is single-payer Medicare for all
Look, Donald Trump has no core. He is sufficiently erratic that I could see him make a play for the Left. Democrats may bite and in doing so protect him on two fronts. Can you guess what they are?
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